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Title: Control and Operation of SOXS High Energy Detector
Authors: Janawlekar, S. B
Malkar, J. P
Rao, A. R
Vadawale, S. V
Vahia, M. N
Umapathy, C. N
Keywords: Solar flares
X-ray detectors
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: BASI, Vol. 31, No. 3 & 4, pp. 483 - 484
Abstract: The control and operation of the SOXS High Energy Detector (HED) experiment is done using a micro-processor based data handling system (the GSAT-2 SOXS High Energy Electronics package - GXHE). The GXHE system is used for onboard data analysis, data compression and satellite interfaces for telemetry, telecommand and on-board power.
Appears in Collections:BASI Publications

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