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Title: Asymptotic giant branch stars in the ISOGAL survey
Authors: Ojha, D. K
Omont, A
Simon, G
Blommaert, J
Keywords: Stars
ISOGAL survey
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Astronomical Society of India
Citation: BASI, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 241 - 242
Abstract: We present and analyse the data of a field at 1 = 0o, b = +1o from the ISOGAL survey of selected areas of the inner Galactic bulge at 15 and 7 ?m. In combination with IJKs data from the near-infrared southern sky survey DENIS, the ISOCAM data allow the first detailed study of infrared stellar populations in very obscured regions of the inner Galaxy. The K/J-K magnitude-color diagram for the sources detected in the ISOGAL field shows a remarkably well-defined tip of the bulge red giant sequence. A few stars clearly show an excess in the value of J-K with respect to the red giant sequence. Most of them are probably AGB stars with large mass-loss rates. The other color-color and magnitude-color diagrams are also discussed. About half of the source have observed K-[15] colors. Thus these data suggest that these are masslosing stars.
Appears in Collections:BASI Publications

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