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Title: Solar log gf values for the spectral lines in the range λ λ 6209-6273 Å
Authors: Stalin, C. S
Sinha, K
Sanwal, B. B
Keywords: Oscillator strengths
Photospheric models
Solar spectrum
Issue Date: 1997
Publisher: Astronomical Society of India
Citation: BASI, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 117 - 132
Abstract: Utilizing Lieze solar atlas and solar photospheric models, we derived log gf values for the spectral lines in the wavelength range λλ 6209 - 6273 Å. These values, intended for use in a future study of high resolution reticon spectrum of the star gamma Draconis, are presented along with some recent results available in the literature
Appears in Collections:BASI Publications

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