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Browsing IIAP Publications by Subject "Eclipses"

Browsing IIAP Publications by Subject "Eclipses"

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  • Vasundhara, R; Selvakumar, G; Anbazhagan, P (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017-06)
    Results of analysis of 23 events of the 2014–2015 mutual event series from the Vainu Bappu Observatory are presented. Our intensity distribution model for the eclipsed/occulted satellite is based on the criterion that it ...
  • Vasundhara, R (EDP Sciences, 2002-07)
    Astrometric results of CCD observations of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter from the Vainu Bappu Observatory are presented. The shifts in the photo-centers on the disks of Io and Europa due to albedo ...
  • Vasundhara, R; Arlot, J. E; Lainey, V; Thuillot, W (The European Southern Observatory, 2003-10)
    Astrometric results of observations of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter of the PHEMU97 campaign by the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides are presented. These astrometric ...
  • Belu, A. R; Selsis, F; Raymond, S. N; Palle, E; Street, R; Sahu, D. K; Braun, K. V; Bolmont, E; Figueira, P; Anupama, G. C; Ribas, Ignasi (IOP Publishing, 2013-05-10)
    Given the very close proximity of their habitable zones, brown dwarfs (BDs) represent high-value targets in the search for nearby transiting habitable planets that may be suitable for follow-up occultation spectroscopy. ...
  • Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Barve, Indrajit V; Rajalingam, M (IOP Publishing, 2012-01-10)
    We carried out radio observations of the solar corona in the frequency range 109-50 MHz during the annular eclipse of 2010 January 15 from the Gauribidanur Observatory, located about 100 km north of Bangalore in India. The ...
  • Vasundhara, R (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1991-03)
    Mutual eclipses of Galilean satellites were observed and the results are given. The observations are fitted by utilizing Lambert's law, theoretical models assuming a uniform disk, and Lommel-Seeliger's law which describes ...
  • Hallakoun, N; Xu, S; Maoz, D; Marsh, T. R; Ivanov, V. D; Dhillon, V. S; Bours, M. C. P; Parsons, S. G; Kerry, P; Sharma, S; Su, K; Sridharan, R|; Pravec, P; Kusnirak, P; Kucakova, H; Armstrong, J. D; Arnold, C (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017-08)
    The first transiting planetesimal orbiting a white dwarf was recently detected in K2 data of WD 1145+017 and has been followed up intensively. The multiple, long and variable transits suggest the transiting objects are ...
  • Arlot, J. E; Thuillot, W; Ruatti, C; Ahmad, A; Amosse, A; Anbazhagan, P; Andreyev, M; Antov, A; Appakutty, M; Aubry, S; Asher, D; Spampinato, S. A; Stellmacher, I; Trunkovsky, E; Tejfel, V; Tudose, V; Turcu, V; Ugarte, I; Vantyghem, P; Vasundhara, R; Vaubaillon, J; Baron, N; Velu, C; Venkataramana, A. K; Vidal Sãinz, J; Vienne, A; Vilar, J; Vingerhoets, P; Vollman, W; Bassiere, N; Berthe, M; Bogdanovski, R; Bosq, F; Bredner, E; Buettner, D; Buromsky, M; Cammarata, S; Casas, R; Chis, G. D; Christou, A. A; Coquerel, J. P; Corlan, R; Cremaschini, C; Crussaire, D; Cuypers, J; Dennefeld, M; Descamps, P; Devyatkin, A; Dimitrov, D; Dorokhova, T. N; Dorokhov, N. I; Dourneau, G; Dueñas, M; Dumitrescu, A; Emelianov, N; Ferrara, D; Fiel, D; Fienga, A; Flatres, T; Foglia, S; Garlitz, J; Gerbos, J; Gilbert, R; Goncalves, R. M. D; Gonzales, D; Gorda, S. Y; Gorshanov, D. L; Hansen, M. W; Harrington, M; Irsmambetova, T. R; Ito, Y; Ivanova, V; Izmailov, I. S; Khovritchev, M. Y; Khrutskaya, E. V; Kieken, J; Kiseleva, T. P; Kuppuswamy, K; Lainey, V; Lavayssiere, M; Lazzarotti, P; Le Campion, J. F; Lellouch, E; Li, Z. L; Lo Savio, E; Lou, M; Magny, E; Manek, J; Marinello, W; Marino, G; McAuliffe, J. P; Michelli, M; Moldovan, D; Montagnac, S; Moorthy, V; Nickel, O; Nier, J. M; Noel, T; Noyelles, B; Oksanen, A; Parrat, D; Pauwels, T; Priban, V; Ramachandran, B; Rambaux, N; Rapaport, M; Rapavy, P; Rau, G; Sacre, J. J; Sada, P. V; Salvaggio, F; Sarlin, P; Sciuto, C; Selvakumar, G; Sergeyev, A; Sidorov, M; Sorescu, S (EDP Sciences, 2009-01)
    Context: In 2003, the Sun and the Earth passed through both the equatorial plane of Jupiter and therefore the orbital planes of its main satellites. Aims: During this period, mutual eclipses and occultations were observed ...
  • Saquet, E; Emelyanov, N; Robert, V; Arlot, J. -E; Anbazhagan, P; Baillie, K; Bardecker, J; Berezhnoy, A. A; Bretton, M; Campos, F; Capannoli, L; Pomazan, A; Popescu, M; Pratt, A; Raskhozhev, V. N; Resch, J.-M; Robilliard, D; Roschina, E; Rothenberg, E; Rottenborn, M; Rusov, S. A; Talbot, J; Saby, F; Saya, L. F; Selvakumar, G; Signoret, F; Slesarenko, V. Y; Sokov, E. N; Soldateschi, J; Sonka, A; Soulie, G; Tejfel, V. G; Thuillot, W; Timerson, B; Toma, R; Torsellini, S; Trabuco, L. L; Traverse, P; Tsamis, V; Unwin, M; Carry, B; Van Den Abbeel, F; Vandenbruaene, H; Vasundhara, R; Velikodsky, Y. I; Vienne, A; Vilar, J; Vugnon, J. -M; Wuensche, N; Zeleny, P; Castet, M; Charbonnier, Y; Chernikov, M. M; Christou, A; Colas, F; Coliac, J. -F; Dangl, G; Dechambre, O; Delcroix, M; Dias-Oliveira, A; Drillaud, C; Duchemin, Y; Dunford, R; Ellington, C; Fabre, P; Filippov, V. A; Finnegan, J; Foglia, S; Font, D; Gaillard, B; Galli, G; Garlitz, J; Gasmi, A; Gaspar, H. S; Gault, D; Gazeas, K; George, T; Gorda, S. Y; Gorshanov, D. L; Gualdoni, C; Guhl, K; Halir, K; Hanna, W; Henry, X; Herald, D; Houdin, G; Ito, Y; Izmailov, I. S; Jacobsen, J; Jones, A; Kamoun, S; Kardasis, E; Karimov, A. M; Khovritchev, M. Y; Kulikova, A. M; Laborde, J; Lainey, V; Lavayssiere, M; Guen, P. Le; Leroy, A; Loader, B; Lopez, O. C; Lyashenko, A. Y; Lyssenko, P. G; Machado, D. I; Maigurova, N; Manek, J; Marchini, A; Midavaine, T; Montier, J; Morgado, B. E; Naumov, K. N; Nedelcu, A; Newman, J; Ohlert, J. M; Oksanen, A; Pavlov, H; Petrescu, E (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018-03)
    During the 2014–2015 mutual events season, the Institut de M ́ ecanique C ́ eleste et de Calcul des ́ Eph ́ em ́ erides (IMCCE), Paris, France, and the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI), Moscow, Russia, ...
  • Arlot, J. -E; Thuillot, T; Ruatti, C; Akasawa, A; Baroni, S; Beisker, W; Berthier, J; Blanco, C; Boonstra, J; Bourgeois, J; Bulder, H; Casas, R; Castano, J. G; Colas, F; Collins, D; Cuypers, J; Czech, W; D'Ambrosio, V; Denzau, H; Descamps, P; Dimitrescu, A; Dinakarian, N; Dourneau, G; Enriquez, J. M; Fernandez, J. M; Fernandez-Barba, D; Flatres, T; Goncalves, M; Guhl, K; Helmer, G; Hirose, T; Irsmambetova, T. R; Krobusek, B. A; Lecacheux, J; Le Campion, J.-F; Lou, M; Mallama, A; Nelson, P; Okura, N; Park, J; Pauwels, T; Pluchino, S; Priban, V; Rapaport, M; Sacré, J.-J; Salvaggio, F; Sanchez, M. A; Sanchez-Bajo, F; Stefanescu, G; Tanga, P; Tejfel, V. G; Trisan, J. L; Trunkovsky, E. M; Vandenbulcke, G; Vasundhara, R; Vass, G; Vingerhoets, P; Vu, D. T; Wilds, R. T (EDP Sciences, 2006-05)
    In 1997 the Sun and the Earth passed through the equatorial plane of Jupiter and therefore through the orbital planes of its main satellites. During this period, mutual eclipses and occultations occurred and were observed. ...
  • Kathiravan, C; Ramesh, R; Barve, Indrajit V; Rajalingam, M (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2011-04-01)
    We carried out radio observations of the solar corona at 170 MHz during the eclipse of 2008 August 1, from the Gauribidanur observatory located about 100 km north of Bangalore in India. The results indicate the presence ...

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