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  • Sun, N; de Grijs, R; Cioni, M. L; Rubele, S; Subramanian, S; van Loon, J. T; Bekki, K; Bell, C. P. M; Ivanov, V. D; Marconi, M; Muraveva, T; Oliveira, J. M; Ripepi, V (IOP Publishing, 2018-05-03)
    In this paper we report a clustering analysis of upper main-sequence stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, using data from the VMC survey (the VISTA near-infrared YJK s survey of the Magellanic system). Young stellar ...
  • Murthy, J; Conn Henry, R; Holberg, Jay B (IOP Publishing, 2012-03)
    The two Voyager spacecraft have completed their planetary exploration mission and are now probing the outer realms of the heliosphere. The Voyager ultraviolet spectrometers continued to operate well after the Voyager 2 ...
  • Rangarajan, K. E; Jayakumar, K; Appakutty, M; Sheriff, H. D (Konkoly Observatory, 1987-07)
  • Bhat, P. N; Singh, K. P; Prabhu, T. P; Kembhavi, A. K (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1992)
    We present the results from CCD photometry in the V, R and I bands, of the ‘Dipper Asterism’ region of the open cluster Μ67 based on observations carried out at the prime focus of the 2.3 m Vainu Bappu Telescope of the ...
  • Kassis, Marc; Allen, Steven L; Alverez, Carlos; Baker, Ashley; Banyal, Ravinder K; Bertz, Robert; Beichman, Charles; Brown, Aaron; Brown, Matthew; Bundy, Kevin; Cabak, Gerald; Cetre, Sylvain; Chin, Jason; Chun, Mark R; Cooke, Jeff; Delorme, Jacques; Deich, William; Dekany, Richard G; Devenot, Mark; Doppmann, Greg; Edelstein, Jerry; Fitzgerald, Michael P; Fucik, Jason R; Gao, Maodong; Gibson, Steve; Gillingham, Peter R; Gomez, Percy; Gottschalk, Colby; Halverson, Sam; Hill, Grant; Hinz, Philip; Holden, Bradford P; Howard, Andrew W; Jones, Tucker; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Kirby, Evan; Krishnan, Shanti; Kupke, Renate; Lanclos, Kyle; Larkin, James E; Leifer, Stephanie D; Lewis, Hilton A; Lilley, Scott; Lu, Jessica R; Lyke, James E; MacDonald, Nicholas; Martin, Christopher; Mather, John; Matuszewski, Mateusz; Mawet, Dimitri; McCarney, Ben; McGurk, Rosalie; Marin, Eduardo; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A; Nance, Craig; Nash, Reston B; Neill, James D; O'Meara, John M; Peretz, Eliad; Poppett, Claire; Konopacky, Quinn; Radovan, Matthew V; Ragland, Sam; Rider, Kodi; Roberts, Mitsuko; Rockosi, Constance; Rubenzahl, Ryan; Sallum, Stephanie; Sandford, Dale; Savage, Maureen; Simha, Sunil; Skemer, Andy J; Steidel, Charles C; Stelter, Richard D; Surendran, Avinash; Walawender, Josh; Westfall, Kyle B; Wizinowich, Peter; Wright, Shelley; Yeh, Sherry (Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2023-10)
    Since the start of science operations in 1993, the twin 10-m W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO) telescopes have continued to maximize their scientific impact and to produce transformative discoveries that keep the observing ...
  • Indian Institute of Astrophysics (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2006)
  • Hart, Henry (Astronomical Society of India, 1913-03)
  • Thulasidharen K. C (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2010)
    A three axis control system for WARM telescope is developed. A four axis motion controller next move PCI from Balder Electric Company is used for controlling the three axes. The control code is developed in MINT V5 Software ...
  • Vig, S; Ghosh, S. K; Ojha, D. K (Astronomical Society of India, 2003)
    The nature of the warp structure in the distribution of stellar as well as warm interstellar dust (WISD) components in the Galactic disk has been investigated using respective mid infrared emissions. Such a study with high ...
  • Dumka, U. C; Kaskaoutis, D. G; Khatri, Pradeep; Shantikumar, N. S; Sheoran, Rahul; Jade, Sridevi; Shrungeshwara, T. S; Rupakheti, Maheswar (Elsevier B.V., 2022-02)
    We analyze long-term aerosol and precipitable water vapour (PWV) properties at two high-altitude sites (Nainital and Hanle) over the central Himalayan and western Trans-Himalayan region from 2008 to 2018. First-time ...
  • Banerjee, D; Hasan, S. S; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J (Astronomical Society of India, 1996)
    The present investigation is a continuation of earlier work by Hasan & christensen-Dalsgaard (1992) and Banerjee, Hasan & Christensen-Dalsgaard(1995), where the interaction of various elementary modes in a stratified ...
  • Vigeesh, G; Hasan, S. S; Steiner, O (European Southern Observatory, 2009-12)
    Aims. We investigate wave propagation and energy transport in magnetic elements, which are representatives of small scale magnetic flux concentrations in the magnetic network on the Sun. This is a continuation of earlier ...
  • Hasan, S. S; van Ballegooijen, A; Steiner, O (Cambridge University Press, 2008-05)
    This investigation is a continuation of earlier work on the dynamics of the magnetic network. In a previous calculation (Hasan et al. 2005), we examined the response of a single flux tube to transverse motions of its ...
  • Venkatakrishnan, P (Astronomical Society of India, 1981-09)
    The work done on propagation of waves in magnetic tubes is reviewed. It is seen that majority of the results obtained so far are based on the thin tube approximation. It is shown that estimates of the mechanical energy ...
  • Hasan, S. S (International Astronomical Union, 1990)
    Wave propagation in sunspot umbrae is analyzed; the stratification in a typical umbra is approximated by a model atmosphere, extending vertically from a depth of a few thousand kilometers below the photosphere, to the ...
  • Hasan, S. S; Vigeesh, G; van Ballegooijen, A. A (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
    Hasan et al. (2005) have recently presented 2-D dynamical calculations on wave propagation in in the magnetic network of the Sun. The latter is idealized as consisting of non-potential flux tubes in the quiet solar ...
  • Evershed, John (Royal Astronomical Society, 1930-06)
  • Bhat, P. N (Astronomical Society of India, 2002)
    Atmospheric Cverenkov techniques is the only method which has been successfully used to probe the sky in the TeV energy band. However it has certain intrinsic drawbacks arising primarily out of the presence of cosmic rays ...

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