J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 © Indian Academy of Sciences DOI 10.1007/s12036-017-9443-z Metallicity of Sun-like G-stars that have Exoplanets SHASHANKA R. GURUMATH1,∗, K. M. HIREMATH2 and V. RAMASUBRAMANIAN1 1Department of Physics, School of Advanced Sciences (SAS), VIT University, Vellore 632 014, India. 2Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560 034, India. ∗Corresponding author. E-mail: shashankgurumath@yahoo.in MS received 10 June 2016; accepted 20 April 2017; published online 19 June 2017 Abstract. By considering the physical and orbital characteristics of G type stars and their exoplanets, we examine the association between stellar mass and its metallicity that follows a power law. Similar relationship is also obtained in case of single and multiplanetary stellar systems suggesting that, Sun′s present mass is about 1% higher than the estimated value for its metallicity. Further, for all the stellar systems with exoplanets, association between the planetary mass and the stellar metallicity is investigated, that suggests planetary mass is independent of stellar metallicity. Interestingly, in case of multiplanetary systems, planetary mass is linearly dependent on the stellar absolute metallicity, that suggests, metal rich stars produce massive (≥1 Jupiter mass) planets compared to metal poor stars. This study also suggests that there is a solar system planetary missing mass of ∼0.8 Jupiter mass. It is argued that probably 80% of missing mass is accreted onto the Sun and about 20% of missing mass might have been blown off to the outer solar system (beyond the present Kuiper belt) during early history of solar system formation. We find that, in case of single planetary systems, planetary mass is independent of stellar metallicity with an implication of their non-origin in the host star’s protoplanetary disk and probably are captured from the space. Final investigation of dependency of the orbital distances of planets on the host stars metallicity reveals that inward migration of planets is dominant in case of single planetary systems supporting the result that most of the planets in single planetary systems are captured from the space. Keywords. Sun: evolution—stars: chemical abundances—stars: metallicity—stars: planetary systems. 1. Introduction have a higher metallicity than the stars without planets (Gonzalez et al. 2001b). However, low mass giant stars Birth of a stellar system takes place in the nebula which (≤1.5M) with planets did not show any difference in consists of gas and dust particles that are basic ingredi- their metallicity when compared with giant stars with- ents for the formation of stars and planets. The amount out planets (Maldonado et al. 2013). of gas, dust particles, chemical composition or metallic- Previous studies (Gonzalez 2000; Santos et al. 2000) ity of the nebula play a significant role in the formation indicated that the detection of gas giants or hot Jupiters of planetary system (Ksanfomality 2004; Moriarty et al. are more around the metal-rich stars than the metal- 2014; Reboussin et al. 2015). Hence, study of stellar poor stars. That means, formation of giant planet is low metallicity and its relation with different physical char- around the metal-poor stars (Fischer & Valenti 2005). acteristics of host stars and their planets may lead to Mordasini et al. (2012) showed that occurrence rate better understanding of the planetary system formation. and mass of giant planets depend on the thickness and Before the era of discovery of exoplanets, many plane- timescale of protoplanetary disk. On the other hand, tary models concentrated mainly on the genesis of solar occurrence rate of terrestrial planets or low mass planets system formation. The discovery of many exoplanetary is independent of the host star’s metallicity (Buchhave systems (Boss et al. 2010; Lammer et al. 2010; Dressing et al. 2014). One explanation for the high mass plan- & Charbonneau 2015) led to many new models (de Wit ets around the metal-rich stars is inward migration of & Seager 2013; Kerr et al. 2015) that further improved planets during the early history of stellar system for- the knowledge of physics of planetary formation. In mation (Dawson & Murray-Clay 2013). Due to inward early studies, it was found that the stars with planets migration, high mass planets scatter the planetesimals 19 Page 2 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 (or gas and dust particles) that are present in the pro- metallicity of host stars that have exoplanets, we try toplanetary disk. These scattered planetesimals most to understand how the metal content of a stellar neb- likely accrete on the host star’s convective envelope as ula might have affected the planetary formation, (ii) a ‘pollution’ and hence, increases the stars metallicity we examine whether single and multiplanetary systems (Vauclair & Vauclair 2014). During early evolutionary have similar mechanism of planetary formation or not, stages, accreted mass mix deep inside a star, whereas, and the role of host stars’ metallicity in these mecha- in later stages, accreted mass mix only in a shallow con- nisms, (iii) an attempt is made to confirm whether our vective envelope. For example, the presence of 6Li in solar system is also governed by the same universal the stellar system supports the accretion of planetary mechanism of planetary formation and, (iv) we inves- mass on the host star (Reddy et al. 2002; Santos et al. tigate whether stellar metallicity [Fe/H] is affected by 2009; Mena et al. 2012). Hence, the effect of ‘pollution’ average galactic metallicity that in turn might have influ- is one of the important factor that likely determines the enced the planetary formation. The plan of the present final metallicity of host stars and, the massive planets study is as follows: description of the data used and the near-by host star may be the reason for increase in the analysis are presented in section 2. The results with a metallicity of host stars during the early history of stellar brief discussion are presented in section 3, followed by system formation. conclusions in section 4. Another explanation for high mass planets around metal-rich stars is the metal-rich nebula from which host stars and planets are formed (Gonzalez 2006). This 2. Data and analysis implies that the metal-rich protoplanetary disk around a host star (Gonzalez 2003; Bean et al. 2006) provides In order to examine the role of metallicity in the plane- more gas and dust particles for the planetary formation. tary formation of Sun-like G stars, physical and orbital Adibekyan et al. (2012) confirmed that the rate of plan- characteristics of exoplanets and their host stars of G etary formation is high in the galactic-thick disk than type are considered from the website http://exoplanet. in the galactic-thin disk. This study also suggests that eu/catalog/all_fields/. Many previous studies make use when the iron metal content is less, other metals play of this catalog for understanding the physics of host a major role in the planetary formation. The metal-rich stars, dynamics and atmospheres of their planets, etc. disk with high concentration of Si, Ca, Mg, Al, etc. pro- For example, estimation of metallicity of host stars vides a good platform for the planetary core formation (Lindgren et al. 2016), atmospheric (Walsh & Millar (Bodaghee et al. 2003). In addition, formation of terres- 2011) and orbital (Antoniadou & Voyatzis 2016) studies trial planets cannot be neglected around the metal-rich of exoplanets, etc. Hence, this data set is most reliable stars (Wang & Fischer 2015), because, probability of to get answers for our aims. formation of the solid core is high due to more number We consider 225 exoplanets that belong to 179 host of dust particles in the disk, which eventually lead to stars. Out of 225 exoplanets, 139 are detected by radial solid planets that are within the snow line. velocity method and the remaining are detected by tran- The volatile elements like carbon compounds and sit method. Among these, majority (148) of stars are oxygen help in the formation of gaseous envelope or single planetary hosts (only one planet for a star) and, planetary atmospheres. Among various volatile materi- 31 (with 77 planets) are multiplanetary hosts (more als, oxygen plays a major role in the planetary formation than one planet for a star). Although one can argue that via ice accretion beyond the snow line and also by the single planetary hosts are due to limitations in detection oxides of Si, Mg, Al, Ca, etc. (Brugamyer et al. 2011). techniques, at present it is not clear whether single plan- The silicate grains provide a good platform for the plan- ets are really single planets or this is due to limitations etary formation and these grains with accretion of icy of the detection. It is also not clear, due to limitations mantle may grow into gas giants. Interestingly, there of observational detection, how much percentage of the is no significant difference in the abundance of [C/Fe] data sample is due to the single planet. However, in this and [O/Fe] in stars with planets and stars without planets study we assume that these are single planets. (Gonzalez et al. 2001b; Da Silva et al. 2011). Although With the present precision of detection techniques, contribution of these materials to metallicity of the host number of planets that are detected from space- and star is insignificant, their major role in planetary forma- ground-based missions are given in Table 1. From the tion cannot be neglected. distance measurements, we find that majority (171) of With this brief introduction, the following are the the exoplanets are within the solar neighborhood (≤300 aims of the present study: (i) from the information of pc). Relevant data related to the physical characteristics J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 3 of 17 19 Table 1. Number of planets with dif- instruments, it is very difficult to precisely measure the ferent exoplanetary detection missions. radial velocity or transit curves of the exoplanets that are very far from the solar system. Hence, majority of exo- Detection missions No. of planets planets appear to occur within the solar neighborhood CoRoT 14 (≤ 300 pc). The Sun is situated in the galactic thin disk at HAT-P 09 about 20 pc above the galactic mid-plane. The gradient HIP 03 of radial variation of average metallicity in this galac-−1 HD catalog 125 tic thin disk is 0.07 dex kpc (Gonzalez et al. 2001a). Kepler 28 It is interesting to check whether such a gradient of TrES 02 metallicity is also true if star’s metallicity is influenced WASP 29 by galactic metallicity that in turn might have affected XO 01 the planetary formation. In order to check this reason- Others 14 ing, irrespective of observed declinations (Dec.) and right ascensions (RA), we combine different metallici- ties and the same are plotted with respect to the observed of planets and stars are presented in Table 2. As this exo- stellar distances from the Sun. With the present data planetary catalog is a compilation of ground- and space- set, Fig. 1(b) illustrates the variation of stellar metal- based observations, observers have used different sta- licity within the galactic thin disk. Since the majority tistical techniques for estimating the error bars in the of stars are within 300 pc, from the slope of Fig. 1(b) physical and orbital characteristics of exoplanets. For (∼0.08 dex kpc−1), one can say that variation of aver- example, hybrid Markov chain Monte Carlo (Gregory age galactic metallicity within the thin disk is negligible & Fischer 2010; Dumusque et al. 2014) and bootsrap in the solar neighborhood. Of course, this is also evident (Barge et al. 2008) statistical method. However, basic from Fig. 2 wherein distribution of stars with metallic- errors that affect different physical parameters of the ity for different galactic coordinates is illustrated. There data are observational errors (Kovacset al. 2010; Wake- appears to be concentration of metal-deficient stars (that ford et al. 2013). have exoplanets) near both the galactic poles. Figure 1 In Table 2, first two columns represent the name of and Fig. 2 show that observed exoplanetary systems an exoplanet and its mass in terms of Jupiter’s mass. are within the proximity (∼2 kpc) of the Sun. Whereas, Third and fourth columns represent the semi-major from 2–8 kpc, there is no observational evidence of axis and eccentricity respectively. The fifth and sixth detection of exoplanets. Unless we have information columns represent the stellar metallicity [Fe/H] and of observed exoplanetary systems from all parts of the stellar mass in terms of the solar mass. Whereas, the galaxy, with the present dataset, it is difficult to con- last column represents the stellar distance in parsec clude whether influence of galactic metallicity on the (pc). planetary formation exists or not. 3.1 Stellar mass versus metallicity 3. Results and discussion Previous studies (Winn & Fabrycky 2015 and references Before examining a relationship between the stellar therein) show that metal-rich stars more likely harbor (planetary) mass with stellar metallicity, let us examine the planets. In addition, abundance of metallicity of stars how far the exoplanets are located in the solar neighbor- with planets are more than the abundance of metallicity hood and, if any influence of average galactic metallicity of stars without planets (Mortier et al. 2013). In these on the stellar metallicity irrespective of galactic latitude studies, results are obtained from an analysis of the host and longitude. Figure 1(a) illustrates the distribution stars of all spectral types. However, it is interesting to of planets with their distances from the Sun. The x- know whether each spectral type, such as Sun-like G axis represents the distances of host stars from the Sun stars also follows the same trend or not. Importantly, it and y-axis represents the number of planets. Similarly, is essential to understand the behavior of stellar metal- Fig. 1(b) illustrates the distribution of stellar metallici- licity in both single and multiplanetary systems. In order ties with their distances from the Sun. It is obvious and to assert these ideas, in Fig. 3(a) and 3(b) we examine not surprising from Fig. 1(a) that exponential decrease a relationship between stellar mass and stellar metallic- of number of planets with the distance is due to faint- ity for all the planetary systems, irrespective of whether ness of the observed stars. That means, with the present they are single or multiplanetary systems. In Fig. 3(a), 19 Page 4 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Table 2. Physical and orbital characteristics of the host stars and their exoplanets. Name Mp a [Fe/H] M Distance (MJ) (AU) (dex) (M) (pc) 47 Uma b 2.530(±0.065) 2.100 0(±0.07) 1.03(±0.050) 13.97 47 Uma c 0.540(±0.069) 3.600 0(±0.07) 1.03(±0.05) 13.97 47 Uma d 1.640(±0.385) 11.60 0(±0.07) 1.03(±0.050) 13.97 51 Peg b 0.468(±0.007) 0.052 0.2(±0.07) 1.11(±0.060) 14.70 61 Vir b 0.016(±0.001) 0.050 −0.01(±−) 0.95(±0.030) 8.52 61 Vir c 0.057(±0.003) 0.217 −0.01(±−) 0.95(±0.030) 8.52 61 Vir d 0.072(±0.008) 0.476 −0.01(±−) 0.95(±0.030) 8.52 70 Vir b 6.600(±0.660) 0.480 −0.11(±−) 0.92(±0.046) 22.00 CoRoT-1 b 1.030(±0.120) 0.025 0.06(±0.07) 0.95(±0.150) 460.00 CoRoT-12 b 0.917(±0.067) 0.040 0.16(±0.10) 1.07(±0.072) 1150.00 CoRoT-13 b 1.308(±0.066) 0.051 0.01(±0.07) 1.09(±0.020) 1310.00 CoRoT-16 b 0.535(±0.085) 0.061 0.19(±0.06) 1.09(±0.078) 840.00 CoRoT-17 b 2.430(±0.160) 0.046 0(±0.10) 1.04(±0.100) 920.00 CoRoT-18 b 3.470(±0.380) 0.029 −0.10(±0.10) 0.95(±0.150) 870.00 CoRoT-2 b 3.310(±0.160) 0.028 −0.04(±0.08) 0.97(±0.060) 300.00 CoRoT-20 b 4.240(±0.230) 0.090 0.14(±0.12) 1.14(±0.080) 1230.00 CoRoT-22 b 0.038(±0.035) 0.092 0.17(±0.09) 1.09(±0.049) 592.00 CoRoT-23 b 2.800(±0.250) 0.047 0.05(±0.10) 1.14(±0.080) 600.00 CoRoT-25 b 0.270(±0.040) 0.057 −0.01(±0.13) 1.09(±0.080) 1000 CoRoT-26 b 0.520(±0.050) 0.052 0.01(±0.13) 1.09(±0.060) 1670.00 CoRoT-27 b 10.390(±0.550) 0.047 0.10(±0.10) 1.05(±0.110) – CoRoT-9 b 0.840(±0.070) 0.407 −0.01(±0.006) 0.99(±0.040) 460.00 GJ 3021 b 3.370(±0.090) 0.490 0.10(±0.08) 0.90(±0.045) 17.62 HAT-P-1 b 0.525(±0.019) 0.055 0.13(±0.008) 1.15(±0.052) 139.00 HAT-P-15 b 1.946(±0.066) 0.096 0.22(±0.08) 1.01(±0.043) 190.00 HAT-P-21 b 4.063(±0.161) 0.049 0.01(±0.08) 0.94(±0.042) 254.00 HAT-P-22 b 2.147(±0.061) 0.041 0.24(±0.08) 0.91(±0.035) 82.00 HAT-P-23 b 2.090(±0.110) 0.023 0.16(±0.03) 1.13(±0.050) 393.00 HAT-P-25 b 0.567(±0.056) 0.046 0.31(±0.08) 1.01(±0.032) 297.00 HAT-P-27 b 0.660(±0.033) 0.040 0.29(±0.10) 0.94(±0.035) 204.00 HAT-P-28 b 0.626(±0.037) 0.043 0.12(±0.08) 1.02(±0.047) 395.00 HAT-P-38 b 0.267(±0.020) 0.052 0.06(±0.10) 0.88(±0.044) 249.00 HD 102117 b 0.172(±0.018) 0.153 0.30(±0.03) 1.03(±0.050) 42.00 HD 106252 b 7.560(±0.756) 2.700 −0.07 0.96(±0.048) 37.44 HD 106270 b 11.000(±0.800) 4.300 0.08(±0.03) 1.32(±0.092) 84.90 HD 10697 b 6.380(±0.530) 2.160 0.10(±0.06) 1.15(±0.030) 32.56 HD 108874 b 1.360(±0.130) 1.051 0.14 1.00(±0.050) 68.50 HD 108874 c 1.018(±0.300) 2.680 0.14 1.00(±0.050) 68.50 HD 109246 b 0.770(±0.090) 0.330 0.10 1.01(±0.110) 65.60 HD 114729 b 0.840(±0.084) 2.080 −0.22 0.93(±0.046) 35.00 HD 11506 b 3.440(±0.685) 2.430 0.31(±0.03) 1.19(±0.020) 53.82 HD 11506 c 0.820(±0.405) 0.639 0.31(±0.03) 1.19(±0.020) 53.82 HD 117207 b 2.060(±0.206) 3.780 0.27 1.07(±0.053) 33.00 HD 117618 b 0.178(±0.020) 0.176 0.04 1.05(±0.052) 38.00 HD 117618 c 0.200(±0.100) 0.930 0.04 1.05(±0.052) 38.00 HD 11964 b 0.622(±0.056) 3.160 0.17 1.12(±0.056) 33.98 HD 11964 c 0.079(±0.010) 0.229 0.17 1.12(±0.056) 33.98 HD 125612 b 3.000(±0.300) 1.370 0.24(±0.03) 1.10(±0.070) 52.82 HD 125612 c 0.058(±0.005) 0.050 0.24(±0.03) 1.10(±0.070) 52.82 HD 125612 d 7.200(±0.720) 4.200 0.24(±0.03) 1.10(±0.070) 52.82 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 5 of 17 19 Table 2. Continued. Name Mp a [Fe/H] M Distance (MJ) (AU) (dex) (M) (pc) HD 12661 b 2.300(±0.230) 0.830 0.29(±0.05) 1.07(±0.053) 37.16 HD 12661 c 1.570(±0.157) 2.560 0.29(±0.05) 1.07(±0.053) 37.16 HD 134987 b 1.590(±0.020) 0.810 0.25(±0.02) 1.07(±0.080) 22.20 HD 134987 c 0.820(±0.030) 5.800 0.25(±0.02) 1.07(±0.080) 22.20 HD 136418 b 2.000(±0.100) 1.320 −0.07(±0.03) 1.33(±0.090) 98.20 HD 13931 b 1.880(±0.150) 5.150 0.03(±0.04) 1.02(±0.020) 44.20 HD 141937 b 9.700(±0.970) 1.520 0.11 1.10(±0.055) 33.46 HD 142 b 1.250(±0.150) 1.020 0.04(±0.05) 1.10(±0.220) 20.60 HD 142 c 5.300(±0.700) 6.800 0.04(±0.05) 1.10(±0.220) 20.60 HD 142415 b 1.620(±0.162) 1.050 0.21(±0.05) 1.09(±0.054) 34.20 HD 145377 b 5.760(±0.100) 0.450 0.12(±0.01) 1.12(±0.030) 57.70 HD 1461 b 0.023(±0.003) 0.063 0.19(±0.01) 1.08(±0.040) 23.40 HD 1461 c 0.018(±0.002) 0.111 0.19(±0.01) 1.08(±0.040) 23.40 HD 147513 b 1.210(±0.121) 1.320 −0.03 0.92(±0.046) 12.90 HD 149026 b 0.356(±0.012) 0.042 0.36(±0.05) 1.30(±0.100) 78.90 HD 150706 b 2.710(±0.900) 6.700 −0.13 0.94(±0.800) 27.20 HD 154672 b 5.020(±0.170) 0.600 0.26(±0.04) 1.06(±0.090) 65.80 HD 16141 b 0.215(±0.030) 0.350 0.02 1.01(±0.050) 35.90 HD 16175 b 4.400(±0.440) 2.100 0.23(±0.07) 1.35(±0.090) 59.80 HD 163607 b 0.770(±0.040) 0.360 0.21(±0.03) 1.09(±0.020) 69.00 HD 163607 c 2.290(±0.160) 2.420 0.21(±0.03) 1.09(±0.020) 69.00 HD 164509 b 0.480(±0.090) 0.875 0.21(±0.03) 1.13(±0.020) 52.00 HD 168443 b 7.659(±0.097) 0.293 0.04(±0.03) 0.99(±0.019) 37.38 HD 168746 b 0.230(±0.023) 0.065 −0.06(±0.05) 0.88(±0.010) 43.12 HD 170469 b 0.670(±0.067) 2.240 0.30(±0.03) 1.14(±0.020) 64.97 HD 171028 b 1.980(±0.198) 1.320 −0.49(±0.02) 0.99(±0.080) 90.00 HD 17156 b 3.191(±0.033) 0.162 0.24(±0.05) 1.27(±0.018) 78.24 HD 179079 b 0.080(±0.008) 0.110 0.29(±0.04) 1.08(±0.100) 63.69 HD 183263 b 3.670(±0.300) 1.510 0.30 1.17(±0.058) 53.00 HD 183263 c 3.820(±0.590) 4.250 0.30 1.17(±0.058) 53.00 HD 185269 b 0.940(±0.094) 0.077 0.11(±0.05) 1.28(±0.100) 47.00 HD 187123 b 0.520(±0.040) 0.042 0.16 1.06(±0.053) 50.00 HD 187123 c 1.990(±0.250) 4.890 0.16 1.06(±0.053) 50.00 HD 188015 b 1.260(±0.126) 1.190 0.29 1.09(±0.054) 52.60 HD 190360 b 1.502(±0.130) 3.920 0.24(±0.08) 1.04(±0.052) 15.89 HD 190360 c 0.057(±0.015) 0.128 0.24(±0.08) 1.04(±0.052) 15.89 HD 195019 b 3.700(±0.300) 0.138 0.08(±0.04) 1.06(±0.053) 18.77 HD 196050 b 2.830(±0.283) 2.470 0.23 1.17(±0.058) 46.90 HD 202206 c 2.440(±0.244) 2.550 0.37(±0.07) 1.13(±0.056) 46.34 HD 20367 b 1.070(±0.107) 1.250 0.10 1.04(±0.060) 27.00 HD 2039 b 4.900(±1.000) 2.200 0.10(±0.16) 0.98(±0.050) 89.80 HD 207832 b 0.560(±0.045) 0.570 0.06 0.94(±0.100) 54.40 HD 207832 c 0.730(±0.115) 2.112 0.06 0.94(±0.100) 54.40 HD 20794 b 0.008(±0.0009) 0.120 −0.38(±0.06) 0.85(±0.040) 6.06 HD 20794 c 0.007(±0.0013) 0.203 −0.38(±0.06) 0.85(±0.040) 6.06 HD 20794 d 0.015(±0.0019) 0.349 −0.38(±0.06) 0.85(±0.040) 6.06 HD 208487 b 0.413(±0.050) 0.510 −0.06(±0.05) 1.30(±0.065) 45.00 HD 209458 b 0.690(±0.017) 0.047 0.02(±0.05) 1.14(±0.022) 47.00 HD 210277 b 1.230(±0.030) 1.100 0.19(±0.04) 1.09(±0.054) 21.29 HD 212771 b 2.300(±0.400) 1.220 −0.21(±0.03) 1.15(±0.080) 131.00 HD 213240 b 4.500(±0.450) 2.030 0.16 1.22(±0.061) 40.75 19 Page 6 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Table 2. Continued. Name Mp a [Fe/H] M Distance (MJ) (AU) (dex) (M) (pc) HD 216435 b 1.260(±0.130) 2.560 0.24 1.30 33.30 HD 216437 b 1.820(±0.182) 2.320 0.25 1.06(±0.053) 26.50 HD 217107 b 1.330(±0.050) 0.073 0.37(±0.05) 1.02(±0.051) 19.72 HD 217107 c 2.490(±0.250) 5.270 0.37(±0.05) 1.02(±0.051) 19.72 HD 219828 b 0.085(±0.008) 0.052 0.19(±0.03) 1.24(±0.062) 81.10 HD 222155 b 1.900(±0.600) 5.100 −0.11(±0.05) 1.13(±0.110) 49.10 HD 222582 b 7.750(±0.650) 1.350 −0.02 0.99(±0.049) 42.00 HD 224693 b 0.710(±0.071) 0.233 0.34(±0.03) 1.33(±0.100) 94.00 HD 28185 b 5.700(±0.570) 1.030 0.24 1.24(±0.062) 39.40 HD 28254 b 1.160(±0.080) 2.150 0.36(±0.03) 1.06(±0.053) 56.20 HD 290327 b 2.540(±0.155) 3.430 −0.11(±0.02) 0.90(±0.045) 54.90 HD 30177 b 7.700(±1.500) 2.600 0.19(±0.09) 0.95(±0.050) 55.00 HD 30669 0.470(±0.060) 2.690 0.13(±0.06) 0.92(±0.030) 57.00 HD 33283 b 0.330(±0.033) 0.168 0.36(±0.05) 1.24(±0.100) 86.00 HD 34445 b 0.790(±0.070) 2.070 0.14(±0.04) 1.07(±0.020) 46.50 HD 37124 b 0.675(±0.017) 0.533 −0.44 0.83(±0.041) 33.00 HD 37124 c 0.652(±0.052) 1.710 −0.44 0.83(±0.041) 33.00 HD 37124 d 0.696(±0.059) 2.807 −0.44 0.83(±0.041) 33.00 HD 38529 b 0.780(±0.078) 0.131 0.27(±0.05) 1.48(±0.050) 39.28 HD 39091 b 10.300(±1.030) 3.280 0.09 1.10(±0.055) 18.32 HD 4208 b 0.800(±0.080) 1.700 −0.28 0.87(±0.043) 33.90 HD 4308 b 0.040(±0.005) 0.118 −0.34 0.85(±0.042) 21.90 HD 44219 b 0.580(±0.050) 1.190 0.03(±0.01) 1.00(±0.050) 50.43 HD 45350 b 1.790(±0.140) 1.920 0.29 1.02(±0.051) 49.00 HD 49674 b 0.100(±0.010) 0.058 0.25 1.07(±0.053) 40.70 HD 50499 b 1.710(±0.200) 3.860 0.23 1.27(±0.063) 47.26 HD 52265 b 1.050(±0.030) 0.500 0.21(±0.06) 1.20(±0.060) 28.00 HD 52265 c 0.350(±0.090) 0.316 0.21(±0.06) 1.20(±0.060) 28.00 HD 564 b 0.330(±0.030) 1.200 0.13(±0.06) 0.92(±0.030) 54.00 HD 6434 b 0.390(±0.039) 0.140 −0.52 0.79(±0.039) 40.32 HD 6718 b 1.560(±0.105) 3.560 −0.06(±0.02) 0.96(±0.048) 55.90 HD 68988 b 1.900(±0.190) 0.071 0.24 1.20(±0.060) 58.00 HD 70642 b 2.000(±0.200) 3.300 0.16(±0.02) 1.00(±0.050) 28.80 HD 72659 b 3.150(±0.140) 4.740 −0.02(±0.01) 0.95(±2.000) 49.80 HD 73267 b 3.060(±0.070) 2.198 0.03(±0.02) 0.89(±0.030) 54.91 HD 73526 b 2.900(±0.200) 0.660 0.25(±0.05) 1.08(±0.050) 99.00 HD 73526 c 2.500(±0.300) 1.050 0.25(±0.05) 1.08(±0.050) 99.00 HD 73534 b 1.150(±0.115) 3.150 0.16(±0.04) 1.29(±0.100) 96.99 HD 74156 b 1.880(±0.030) 0.294 0.13 1.24(±0.040) 64.56 HD 74156 c 8.030(±0.120) 3.400 0.13 1.24(±0.040) 64.56 HD 75289 b 0.470(±0.047) 0.046 0.29 1.05(±0.052) 28.94 HD 75898 b 2.510(±0.251) 1.190 0.27(±0.05) 1.28(±0.130) 80.58 HD 76700 b 0.230(±0.023) 0.049 0.14 1(±0.050) 59.70 HD 81040 b 6.860(±0.710) 1.940 −0.16(±0.06) 0.96(±0.040) 32.56 HD 82886 b 1.300(±0.100) 1.650 −0.31(±0.03) 1.06(±0.074) 125.00 HD 82943 b 4.800(±0.480) 1.190 0.32 1.18(±0.059) 27.46 HD 82943 c 4.780(±0.478) 0.746 0.32 1.18(±0.059) 27.46 HD 82943 d 0.290(±0.031) 2.145 0.32 1.18(±0.059) 27.46 HD 8535 b 0.680(±0.055) 2.450 0.02 1.13(±0.056) 52.50 HD 88133 b 0.300(±0.030) 0.047 0.34(±0.04) 1.20(±0.200) 74.50 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 7 of 17 19 Table 2. Continued. Name Mp a [Fe/H] M Distance (MJ) (AU) (dex) (M) (pc) HD 89307 b 2.000(±0.400) 3.340 −0.14(±0.04) 1.02(±0.040) 30.90 HD 92788 b 3.860(±0.386) 0.970 0.32 1.13(±0.056) 32.82 HD 92788 c 0.900(±0.300) 0.600 0.32 1.13(±0.056) 32.82 HD 9446 b 0.700(±0.060) 0.189 0.09(±0.05) 1.00(±0.100) 53.00 HD 9446 c 1.820(±0.170) 0.654 0.09(±0.05) 1.00(±0.100) 53.00 HD 96167 b 0.680(±0.180) 1.300 0.09(±0.05) 1.31(±0.090) 84.00 HIP 14810 b 3.880(±0.320) 0.069 0.26(±0.03) 0.99(±0.040) 52.90 HIP 14810 c 1.280(±0.100) 0.545 0.26(±0.03) 0.99(±0.040) 52.90 HIP 14810 d 0.570(±0.052) 1.890 0.26(±0.03) 0.99(±0.040) 52.90 HR 810 b 2.260(±0.180) 0.925 0.25 1.11(±0.070) – Kepler-10 b 0.010(±0.001) 0.016 −0.15(±0.04) 0.91(±0.021) 173.00 Kepler-10 c 0.054(±0.005) 0.241 −0.15(±0.04) 0.91(±0.021) 173.00 Kepler-11 b 0.005(±0.003) 0.091 0.0 0.95(±0.100) – Kepler-11 c 0.009(±0.007) 0.106 0.0 0.95(±0.100) – Kepler-11 d 0.022(±0.003) 0.159 0.0 0.95(±0.100) – Kepler-11 e 0.030(±0.005) 0.194 0.0 0.95(±0.100) – Kepler-11 f 0.006(±0.002) 0.250 0.0 0.95(±0.100) – Kepler-11 g 0.950(±0.475) 0.462 0.0 0.95(±0.100) – Kepler-12 b 0.431(±0.041) 0.055 0.07(±0.04) 1.16(±0.054) – Kepler-17 b 2.450(±0.014) 0.025 0.26(±0.10) 1.16(±0.060) 800 Kepler-20 b 0.026(±0.006) 0.045 0.02(±0.04) 0.91(±0.035) 290.00 Kepler-20 c 0.049(±0.007) 0.093 0.02(±0.04) 0.91(±0.035) 290.00 Kepler-20 d 0.060(±0.006) 0.345 0.02(±0.04) 0.91(±0.035) 290.00 Kepler-20 e 0.009(±0.0009) 0.050 0.02(±0.04) 0.91(±0.035) 290.00 Kepler-20 f 0.045(±0.004) 0.110 0.02(±0.04) 0.91(±0.035) 290.00 Kepler-22 b 0.110(±0.011) 0.849 −0.29(±0.06) 0.97(±0.060) 190.00 Kepler-4 b 0.082(±0.0128) 0.045 0.17(±0.06) 1.22(±0.091) 550.00 Kepler-41 b 0.490(±0.090) 0.029 −0.09(±0.16) 0.94(±0.090) 730.00 Kepler-412 b 0.939(±0.085) 0.029 0.27(±0.12) 1.16(±0.091) 1056.00 Kepler-43 b 3.230(±0.190) 0.044 0.33(±0.11) 1.32(±0.090) 1950.00 Kepler-44 b 1.020(±0.070) 0.045 0.26(±0.10) 1.19(±0.100) 2250.00 Kepler-66 b 0.310(±0.070) 0.135 0.01(±0.003) 1.03(±0.051) 1107.00 Kepler-67 b 0.310(±0.060) 0.117 0.01(±0.003) 0.86(±0.043) 1107.00 Kepler-75 b 9.900(±0.500) 0.080 −0.07(±0.15) 0.88(±0.060) 1140.00 Kepler-77 b 0.430(±0.032) 0.045 0.20(±0.05) 0.95(±0.040) 570.00 Kepler-78 b 0.005(±0.001) 0.010 −0.14(±0.08) 0.81(±0.050) – KOI-192 b 0.290(±0.090) 0.091 −0.19(±0.07) 0.96(±0.060) 1100.00 KOI-195 b 0.340(±0.080) 0.041 −0.21(±0.08) 0.91(±0.060) 880.00 mu Ara b 1.676(±0.167) 1.500 0.28(±0.04) 1.08(±0.050) 15.30 mu Ara c 0.033(±0.003) 0.090 0.28(±0.04) 1.08(±0.050) 15.30 mu Ara d 0.521(±0.052) 0.921 0.28(±0.04) 1.08(±0.050) 15.30 mu Ara e 1.814(±0.181) 5.235 0.28(±0.04) 1.08(±0.050) 15.30 TrES-2 1.253(±0.052) 0.035 −0.15(±0.10) 0.98(±0.062) 220.00 TrES-3 1.910(±0.065) 0.022 −0.19(±0.08) 0.92(±0.040) – WASP-104 b 1.272(±0.047) 0.029 0.32(±0.09) 1.02(±0.090) 143.00 WASP-110 b 0.515(±0.064) 0.045 −0.06(±0.10) 0.89(±0.072) 320.00 WASP-112 b 0.880(±0.120) 0.038 −0.64(±0.15) 0.80(±0.073) 450.00 WASP-12 b 1.404(±0.099) 0.022 0.30(±0.10) 1.35(±0.140) 427.00 WASP-16 b 0.855(±0.059) 0.042 0.01(±0.10) 1.02(±0.101) – WASP-19 b 1.114(±0.040) 0.016 0.02(±0.09) 0.90(±0.045) – WASP-21 b 0.300(±0.010) 0.052 −0.40(±0.10) 1.01(±0.025) 230.00 19 Page 8 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Table 2. Continued. Name Mp a [Fe/H] M Distance (MJ) (AU) (dex) (M) (pc) WASP-25 b 0.580(±0.040) 0.047 −0.05(±0.10) 1.00(±0.030) 169.00 WASP-26 b 1.028(±0.021) 0.039 −0.02(0.09) 1.12(±0.030) 250.00 WASP-32 b 3.600(±0.070) 0.039 −0.13(±0.10) 1.10(±0.030) – WASP-34 b 0.590(±0.010) 0.052 −0.02(±0.10) 1.01(±0.070) 120.00 WASP-36 b 2.279(±0.068) 0.026 −0.31(±0.12) 1.02(±0.032) 450.00 WASP-37 b 1.800(±0.170) 0.043 −0.40(±0.12) 0.84(±0.040) 338.00 WASP-39 b 0.280(±0.030) 0.048 −0.12(±0.10) 0.93(±0.030) 230.00 WASP-4 b 1.237(±0.060) 0.023 −0.03(±0.09) 0.93(±0.050) 300.00 WASP-41 b 0.920(±0.070) 0.040 −0.08(±0.09) 0.95(±0.090) 180.00 WASP-44 b 0.889(±0.062) 0.034 0.06(±0.10) 0.95(±0.034) – WASP-46 b 2.101(±0.073) 0.024 −0.37(±0.13) 0.95(±0.034) – WASP-47 b 1.140(±0.050) 0.052 0.18(±0.07) 1.08(±0.370) 200.00 WASP-5 b 1.637(±0.082) 0.027 0.09(±0.09) 1.00(±0.060) 297.00 WASP-50 b 1.437(±0.068) 0.029 −0.12(±0.08) 0.86(±0.057) 230.00 WASP-58 b 0.890(±0.070) 0.056 −0.45(±0.09) 0.94(±0.100) 300.00 WASP-6 b 0.503(±0.028) 0.042 −0.20(±0.09) 0.88(±0.080) 307.00 WASP-63 b 0.380(±0.030) 0.057 0.08(±0.07) 1.32(±0.050) 330.00 WASP-8 b 2.244(±0.086) 0.080 0.17(±0.07) 1.03(±0.050) 87.00 WASP-95 b 1.130(±0.070) 0.034 0.14(±0.16) 1.11(±0.090) – WASP-96 b 0.480(±0.030) 0.045 0.14(±0.19) 1.06(±0.090) – WASP-97 b 1.320(±0.050) 0.033 0.23(±0.11) 1.12(±0.060) – WASP-98 b 0.830(±0.070) 0.036 −0.6(±0.19) 0.69(±0.060) – XO-5 b 1.077(±0.037) 0.048 0.18(±0.03) 0.88(±0.030) – (a) (b) Figure 1. (a) The distribution of planets versus their host star’s distance from the Solar system. In this figure, x-axis is binned with a size of 50 pc. (b) The dependency of observed stellar metallicity with the host star’s distance from the Solar system for all planetary systems. x-axis represents the observed metallicity with a bin is a logarithmic value of ratio of star’s [Fe/H] to Sun’s size of 0.1 dex in which stellar masses are collected and, [Fe/H]. In case, there is a linear relationship between average and standard deviations (σ ) are computed. Error host star’s metallicity and different physical parameters in each bin is the estimated from the ratio √σ (where of their respective host star and planets, then logarith- n n is the number of data points in each bin). Conven- mic values of metallicity have to be converted into tional usage is that, observed metallicity of a host star absolute values. Now onwards this transformation from J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 9 of 17 19 Figure 2. The distribution of stars (that harbor planets) with metallicity for different galactic coordinates within the observed distance of 2.1 kpc. logarithmic scale to linear scale is called as absolute nebula, the rate of formation of a central star (or accre- metallicity and is denoted as abs[Fe/H]. tion of mass on the central star) is much higher than the In Fig. 3(b), we illustrate a relationship between the rate of formation (or accretion of mass on the central stellar mass and absolute metallicity, where the absolute star) in a metal-poor nebula (Jones et al. 2016). The metallicity values are binned with a size of 0.25. The accretion process helps in acquiring more mass (i.e., average and standard deviations σ of stellar masses in more gas and dust particles that increases the chemical each bin are calculated as explained earlier. Errors in composition) by a central star. Hence, the metallicity of each bin are estimated from the ratio √σ . a host star is directly proportional to the stellar mass in n Compared to a relationship between stellar mass and logarithmic scale. absolute metallicity (Fig. 3(b)), we find a strong rela- As explained in the Introduction, other plausible tionship between logarithmic stellar mass and observed interpretation is that the accretion of disk or protoplan- metallicity [Fe/H] (Fig. 3(a)) with a best fit of the fol- etary material or inward migration of planets add dust lowing form: materials on the central star as a ‘pollution’ that ulti- ( ) mately increases the stellar metallicity. On the other M = ± hand, one can also argue that accretion of mass on alog (0.007 0.006) M central star during later evolutionary stages may not + (0.165 ± 0.026)[Fe/H], (1) increase the central mass substantially. Therefore, the effect of ‘pollution’ (accretion of mass) on the stellar where M is the stellar mass in terms of Sun’s mass M. mass is negligible, yet one can observe from Fig. 3(a) We conclude that a relationship illustrated in Fig. 3(a) that metallicity increases as the stellar mass increase. is better than a relationship illustrated in Fig. 3(b) for Thus, one may conclude that contribution to the final the following reasons: (i) high correlation coefficient stellar metallicity from ‘pollution’ is small and most of (99%) and (ii) small value of chi-square 1.376. Hence, the stellar metallicity is likely to be of primordial com- it is concluded that there exists a power law relationship position of a nebula (Santos et al. 2004). between the stellar mass and the observed metallicity. As the majority of stars in this analysis are single One can notice from Fig. 3(a) that, the host star’s planetary systems, it is not clear whether multiplane- metallicity increases non-linearly with increase in stel- tary systems follow a similar power law relationship. lar mass. One can interpret this result as the metal rich Thus, in order to delineate this combined data bias, stars are most likely originated in metal-rich disks. Due in the following section, we investigate the stellar to high friction of dust and gas particles in a metal-rich mass-metallicity relationship separately for single and 19 Page 10 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 (a) (b) Figure 3. (a) The dependency of logarithmic stellar mass with the observed metallicity. The metallicity is binned with a size of 0.1 dex. (b) The dependency of stellar mass with the absolute metallicity for all planetary systems. The metallicity is binned with a size of 0.25. In both the figures, continuous line is a best least square fit between both the variables. multiplanetary systems. Another aim of classification on the Sun (Melendez et al. 2009), that might have of this data is to examine whether single and multiplan- resulted in a slight increase in the Sun’s mass. In case we etary systems originate in different ways or not. Hence, accept this result, one can also estimate the amount of we investigate the relationship between stellar mass and Sun’s mass for the present metallicity, which is found to metallicity for both single and multiplanetary systems be ∼0.995M from equation (2) and ∼0.962M from in linear and non linear scales. equation (3). Hence, by accepting a value from a best fit (equation (2)), present mass of the Sun is about 1% 3.1.1 Stellar mass versus metallicity: Multiplanetary higher than the original mass. systems. In case of multiplanetary systems, Fig- ures 4(a) and 4(b) show the variations of stellar mass with observed and absolute metallicity respectively, 3.1.2 Stellar mass versus metallicity: Single planetary with the best fits as follows: systems. Similar plots for single planetary systems are M illustrated in Figures 4(c) and 4(d) respectively. In this =(0.995 ± 0.022)+(0.396 ± 0.096)[Fe/H] (2) case the best fit is obtained between the stellar mass and M absolute metallicity, except that the stars that have same and metallicity as those of multiplanetary systems produce M = ± + ± massive planets. Hence, these results imply that the ori-(0.801 0.012) (0.161 0.022)abs[Fe/H]. M gin and formation of single and multiplanetary systems (3) appear to be entirely different. Coefficients of different linear and non linear laws Among both the fits, if we accept χ2 as a constraint that show the dependency of stellar mass on its metal- on goodness of fit, stellar mass versus observed metal- licity are summarized in Table 3. The first column of licity is a best fit (equation (2)). Both these relationships Table 3 represents the different laws of fit, second and show a clear increasing trend between stellar mass and third columns represent the intercept (C1) and ratio of its metallicity. In Figures 4(a) and 4(b), the symbol  error in the intercept with respect to values of intercept represents metallicity of the Sun. One can notice from (| δC1C1 |) respectively. The fourth and fifth columns rep- both the figures that the Sun’s mass is slightly higher resent the slope (C2) and the ratio of error in the slope than the fitted line. This slight higher mass of the Sun with respect to values of slope (| δC2C2 |) respectively, fol- might be due to ‘pollution’ from the solar system ter- lowed by chi-square (a measure of goodness of fit) in the restrial planets. In other words, during the early history sixth column for all planetary systems. Similar results of the solar system formation, dust and gas materials are presented in other columns that represent the single in the vicinity of the Sun might have been accreted and multiplanetary systems respectively. J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 11 of 17 19 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4. For multiplanetary systems, (a) and (b) illustrate the dependency of stellar mass with the observed and absolute metallicity respectively. For single planetary systems, (c) and (d) illustrate the dependency of stellar mass with the observed and absolute metallicity respectively. In all the plots, continuous line is a best least square fit. In (a) and (b), metallicity of the Sun is represented by . Table 3. Stellar mass versus metallicity. Different laws All systems Multiplanetary systems Single planetary systems C1 | δC1 | C2 | δC2 | χ2 C1 | δC1 | C2 | δC2 2C1 C2 C1 C2 | χ C1 | δC1C1 | C2 | δC2 2C2 | χ Linear–linear 0.855 0.018 0.147 0.081 10.100 0.801 0.014 0.161 0.136 1.35 0.858 0.025 0.156 0.108 1.693 Linear–log 1.021 0.005 0.377 0.066 7.831 0.995 0.022 0.396 0.242 0.50 1.036 0.007 0.370 0.083 14.878 Log–log 0.007 0.857 0.165 0.157 1.376 −0.003 7.333 0.173 0.578 0.10 0.014 0.571 0.159 0.201 2.806 3.2 Dependence of metallicity with the planetary planets are skewed Gaussian distributions with a peak physical properties around 0.0 to 0.2 dex in case of observed metallicity (Fig. 5(a)) and around 1.0 to 1.5 in case of absolute 3.2.1 Occurrence rates of single and multiplanetary metallicity (Fig. 5(b)). For both Figures 5(a) and 5(b), systems. In order to examine the occurrence rate of best fits yield the lognormal and normal (Gaussian) planets with metallicity, the number of planets in each distributions respectively. This apparent result strongly bin is illustrated in Fig. 5 against the stellar metallicity suggests that the occurrence rate of planets with stel- for both observed and absolute values. One can notice lar metallicity is a random phenomenon. This picture from Figures 5(a) and 5(b) that the occurrence rates of changes when we classify the data into two parts: (i) 19 Page 12 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 5. Histograms representation of number of the planets versus the stellar metallicity. (a) and (b) The dependency of the number of planets with the observed and absolute metallicity for all the planetary systems. (c) and (d) The dependency of the number of planets with the observed and absolute metallicity for the multiplanetary systems. (e) and (f) The dependency of the number of planets with the observed and absolute metallicity for the single planetary systems. The bin sizes are 0.1 dex and 0.2 in case of observed and absolute metallicity respectively. multiplanetary systems and (ii) single planetary sys- variables. However, due to low statistics in the region tems. As for multiplanetary systems, occurrence rate of of low metallicity ([Fe/H] < 0 or abs[Fe/H] < 1), planets with metallicity is not a random phenomenon, with a caveat we conclude that more number of data- and we get a power-law relationship between both the points are required to confirm an apparent power law J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 13 of 17 19 (a) (b) Figure 6. (a) The linear dependency of planetary mass with absolute stellar metallicity [Fe/H]. (b) The normal distribution of planetary mass with absolute metallicity. Both the plots are binned with a size of 0.25. In both the plots, continuous lines represent the best least square fits. ( ) relationship between both the variables in case of mul- Mpln = (−0.341 ± 0.152) tiplanetary systems. Whereas, single planetary systems MJ follow lognormal and normal distributions as presented + (1.381 ± 0.330)abs[Fe/H] in Figures 5(e) and 5(f) respectively. From these two − (0.469 ± 0.142)abs[Fe/H]2. (4) classifications it appears that single planetary systems probably might not have been originated from the host However, there is a data bias such that these fits are star’s protoplanetary disk. This view will be strength- for the combined data set of single and multiplanetary ened from the results presented in the following sections systems. The data has been separated into single and 3.2.2 and 3.3. multiplanetary systems in the following analysis. Figure 7(a) represents the dependency of planetary 3.2.2 Planetary mass versus metallicity. As men- mass with respect to stellar absolute metallicity in the tioned earlier, chemical composition of nebula affects case of multiplanetary systems. Whereas, in case of sin- the planetary physical properties and metallicity of gle planetary systems, Figures 7(b) and 7(c) illustrate the host stars. Nayakshin (2015) showed that there is the dependency of planetary mass with respect to the no correlation between the population of planets with absolute metallicity with linear and normal distribution metallicity except for gas giants that were present within respectively. As illustrated in Fig. 7(a), although there few AU from the host star. In the present study we is a scatter, variation of planetary mass clearly shows an investigate the association between planetary mass with increasing trend with the host star’s absolute metallicity respect to stellar metallicity for single and multiplane- and best fit yields the following relationship tary systems. Probably this investigation may give hints M on origin and formation of single and multiplanetary p =(0.861 ± 0.740)+ (1.363 ± 0.429)abs[Fe/H], systems. MJ As metal-rich stars show the tendency of increased (5) occurrence rate of planets, it is interesting to exam- where Mp is the planetary mass in-terms of Jupiter mass ine whether planetary mass is dependent on the stellar MJ. metallicity. In order to confirm this conjecture, in Fig. 6, Similarly, the relation between planetary mass and irrespective of single and multiplanetary systems, we absolute metallicity for single planetary system illustrate the dependence of planetary mass with respect (Fig. 7(c)) is given by the best fit of normal distribu- to star’s metallicity. The results presented in Fig. 6(a) tion as follows: show that, for absolute metallicity (linear–linear space), ( )M planetary mass is independent of host star’s metallicity. pln = (−0.426 ± 0.154) Whereas in Fig. 6(b), a Gaussian or normal distribution MJ fits very well for planetary mass–absolute metallicity + (2.240 ± 0.366)abs[Fe/H] relationship as follows: − (0.953 ± 0.165)abs[Fe/H]2. (6) 19 Page 14 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 (a) (b) (c) Figure 7. (a) For multiplanetary systems, the dependency of planetary mass with absolute metallicity, (b) for single planetary systems, the linear fit between planetary mass and absolute metallicity, and (c) the normal distribution. In all the plots, continuous line is a best least square fit. In (a), the total planetary mass of solar system is represented by a triangle. Both these results suggest that, single planetary sys- giants or massive planets is higher in case of metal rich tems on average produce massive planets and probably stars. their origin is different compared to multiplanetary sys- tems. 3.2.3 Estimation of solar system planetary mass. With As for the results presented in Fig. 7(a), following the equation (5) that relates planetary mass and stars is the reason for low planetary mass for the metal- metallicity for multiplanetary systems, it is interesting poor stars. Probably these metal-poor stars might have to examine whether total planetary mass of our solar sys- originated with metal-poor disks around them. These tem (a multiplanetary system) follows such a universal metal poor disks in turn might have less number of relationship. We find that the estimated total plane- dust particles that eventually might have decreased tary mass of the solar system, by using equation (5), the rate of planetary formation and hence less mas- is ∼2.224 MJ which is roughly 1.5 times higher com- sive planets. Whereas in case of high metallicity stars pared to the present observed solar system total mass with metal-rich disks, the scenario of planetary forma- (∼1.4 MJ) (that includes masses of asteroids, Kuiper tion probably might be exactly opposite. Due to more belt and Oort’s cloud objects). This result suggests that number of gas and dust particles in the protoplane- there is a missing mass of ∼0.8 MJ in the solar system tary disk, time period of planet’s core formation is planetary bodies. Let us conjecture where this missing less. Such a solid core rapidly acquires gas and dust mass of ∼0.8 MJ might have gone. When we closely particles as gaseous envelope to form massive or gas examine Fig. 3(a), a decrease of about 1% mass from the giants and grow big in size before dissipation of proto- present solar mass fits the universal law of stellar mass- planetary disk. Hence, the chance of formation of gas metallicity relationship. One possibility is that such a J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 Page 15 of 17 19 missing planetary mass might have accreted onto the stars. One can notice that single planetary systems are Sun during the early history of the solar system for- majority in the present data set. However, with a power- mation (Melendez et al. 2009). However, at present law, Figures 5(c) and 5(d) confirm that planets in the it is not clear how much percentage of missing mass multiplanetary systems are not random events. That (∼ 0.8MJ) is accreted onto the Sun. Moreover, due to means, these planets are not captured from the space, high activity of the Sun during the early history of solar instead most likely they are originated in the protoplan- system formation, some parts of planetary missing mass etary disks around the host stars. in the vicinity of the Sun might have also been blown off to the outer region probably through ambient magnetic 3.3 Orbital distances of exoplanets versus stellar field lines. The leftover dust particles within the vicin- metallicity ity of the Sun might have formed as terrestrial planets. Hence, due to less amount of gas and dust particles, Planets prefer to form in the cooler region of protoplan- the inner planets were unable to grow bigger in size etary disk. This is because, at high temperature, the rate explaining why solar terrestrial planets are less massive of condensation of gas and dust particles is low due compared to Jovian planets. In fact in the previous study to high activity of the central star, like Sun (Hiremath (Shashanka et al. 2015), we came to a similar conclu- 2009). Hence most of the planets migrate before settling sion. into the stable orbits around their host stars. Inspite of migration of the planets, it is interesting to examine 3.2.4 Estimation of planetary mass beyond the solar whether orbital distances of planets depend upon the system Kuiper belt. Coming to the picture of missing metallicity of the host stars. Figure 8(a) illustrates the mass, if protoplanetary disk is in hydrostatic equilib- −r variation of average orbital distances for all the plan- rium, then density ρ varies as ρ0e H (where ρ0 is ets versus absolute metallicity with a bin size of 0.1 density at the center, r is distance from the center and, dex. Whereas, Fig. 8(b) represents the same relation- H is density scale height), where maximum density is ship for single planetary systems. One can notice that concentrated near the center. In case we accept this rea- among all the fits (linear–linear, log–log and lognormal sonable density profile, then there is every possibility distribution space), for the both the figures, lognormal that maximum missing mass (∼80%) might be accreted distribution is a best fit with the following forms: onto the Sun. Whereas a small (∼20%) mass that is in plasma state might have been transported along the ln(a) = (0.533 ± 0.112) magnetic field lines to larger distances, probably beyond + (0.407 ± 0.346)[Fe/H] the present Kuiper belt objects. That means, about 20% − (8.406 ± 0.708)[Fe/H]2, (7) of missing mass might have been dumped into the outer regions of the solar system. Interestingly, this 20% of and missing mass turns out to be ∼60 Earth’s mass that is ln(a) = (0.386 ± 0.122)− (0.639 ± 0.455)[Fe/H] probably residing in the outer edge of the solar system − (9.678 ± 0.839)[Fe/H]2. (8) unless it is ejected from the catastrophic events. In fact, this interesting estimation of missing mass might have These relationships suggest that, occurrence events of formed as ninth and tenth or probably more planets in single planetary systems are random. Hence, as we dis- the outer region (∼200 AU) of the solar system (Batygin cussed in section 3.2.5, again an inevitable conclusion & Brown 2016). is that single planetary systems most likely are captured planets from space. 3.2.5 Single planetary systems: Wandering and cap- For multiplanetary systems, Fig. 8(c) illustrates the tured planets. When we examine the results emerged stable orbital distances of the planets as a function of from the histograms (Figures 5(a), 5(b), 5(e) and 5(f)), absolute metallicity that clearly suggests a direct rela- and planetary mass–stellar metallicity relationships tionship. Careful observation of Figures 8(b) and 8(c) (Figures 6(b) and 7(c)), events are random and there reveals that average semi major axis of stable orbits is no relationship between metallicity of the host stars for the multiplanetary systems (Fig. 8(c)) is higher than and planets of the single planetary systems. That means, the average semi major axis for single planetary sys- these planets probably are not formed in the host star’s tems (Fig. 8(b)). Hence, these results show that inward protoplanetary disks. Rather these planets might have migration of planets and probably accretion of plane- been originated and were formed elsewhere in the tary mass on to the host stars is dominant in case of galaxy, wandered and probably captured by the host single planetary systems. This accretion of planetary 19 Page 16 of 17 J. Astrophys. Astr. (June 2017) 38:19 (a) (b) (c) Figure 8. (a) and (b) illustrate the lognormal distribution of semi major axis with the observed metallicity for all planetary systems and single planetary systems respectively. (c) illustrates the dependency of semi-major axis of planets with the absolute metallicity for multiplanetary systems. In case of multiplanetary systems, metallicity is binned with a size of 0.5, whereas in case of all and single planetary system, it is 0.1 dex. mass on the central host star acts as a ‘pollution’ and logarithmic stellar mass and its metallicity that suggests further increases the stellar metallicity. As for multi- most of the stellar metallicity is due to primordial ori- planetary systems, it appears that inward migration is gin. Hence, the contribution of ‘pollution’ to the final less compared to migration in case of single planetary stellar metallicity is small. systems. The investigation of planetary mass with respect to their stellar absolute metallicity for all planetary sys- tems, does not show any significant dependence on each 4. Conclusions other. However, an analysis by separating the dataset into single and multiplanetary systems reveals that, To conclude this study, we have considered the physical in case of multiplanetary systems, planetary mass is characteristics of Sun-like G stars and their exoplanets linearly dependent on the stellar absolute metallicity. with their orbital distances. Initially, an analysis has Whereas, we find a normal distribution between the been done to examine the effect of galactic metallicity same variables in case of single planetary systems, that on the planetary formation. 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